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about us

Our Tribe Our Village was founded by a family of advocates who serve the community through tangible actions of love.


We cultivate an inclusive environment where all in the village can grow. With extensive backgrounds in early childhood education, behavior analysis, spiritual wellness, and psychology, and a heart for all who are designed in the image of the creator, Our Tribe Our Village is built around celebrating one another and providing a safe space for learning and growth.

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As we all know, “it takes a village.”

That's why we commit to being yours. Through school tuition assistance, donations, and fundraisers, we provide our communities with resources for education, health, and mental and physical wellness.

We are equipped to support the mental health and wellbeing of each student and client individually while engaging the community around us with inclusive wellness opportunities.



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We believe in a hands-on teaching approach and use experiences to learn! Our lesson plans seek to inspire children as they explore the world and build lifelong skills. 

In the classroom, we celebrate students’ unique selves in a nurturing environment specifically designed to encourage exploration and fulfill their curiosity. There are many ways to learn, and as such, there are many ways to teach!

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Critical skills and subjects can be found in activities enjoyable for children. Coloring, building with blocks, and playing outside are more than just fun. They establish thought processes and concepts that follow us through life. In addition, we introduce lessons and activities that can establish self-sufficiency and independence while building social skills and a sense of community.

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